Future’s Children: How Many Kids Does The Rapper Have?

Future’s kids are at least nine and they include six sons named Jakobi, Future Zahir, Prince, Hendrix, Legend Ary, and Kash, and three daughters, Londyn, Paris, and Reign. The award-winning rapper welcomed each of his nine children with nine different women and tries his best to maintain a close relationship with them.

It is also possible that Future has more kids than has been captured above. More than a few women have claimed to have had kids for him. It even led him to freestyle once “I don’t know her name but she has a child for me”. Future’s family life is quite dramatic, but let us look at the kids that he is confirmed to have fathered.

Meet Future’s Kids

Jakobi Wilburn

  • Date of birth: 30th June 2002
  • Age: 22 years old
  • Mother: Jessica Smith

Future’s oldest child is 22 years old. His name is Jakobi Wilburn, and he was born on the 30th of June 2002 when his father was about 19 years old. Jakobi’s mother is Future’s former lover named Jessica Smith. Jessica Smith and Future were never married, but the fact that they have a son together means that they have a permanent connection.

Their relationship isn’t an easy one, though. Jessica Smith has sued Future for child support and improved child support. She has also claimed that he isn’t present for their son, and this has affected him in his studies and that he needs therapy. The strained relationship has accounted for Future not mentioning Jessica when he normally sends out Happy Mother’s Day messages to his baby mamas.

Jakobi Was Arrested for Firearm Possession in 2020

Back in 2020, Future’s eldest child was arrested for being in possession of a gun with an altered I.D., i.e., the serial number was scratched off. He was allegedly hanging out with gang members when the police busted them. Jakobi was charged with possession of a handgun. He was additionally charged with criminal conspiracy as well as gang activity.

The young fellow faced the possibility of spending 20 years in jail, and it was a nightmarish situation for his parents. They, however, worked together to make sure that he got off without serious consequences. It has been some years since the incident, and Jakobi has avoided bad press till now.

He Wants To Be A Rapper Like His Dad

Jakobi Wilburn aspires to be a rapper like his dad and has received full support from him. It wasn’t an easy nut to crack, though. When Jakobi first told Future that he wanted to be a rapper, his reply was that the young boy only wanted to do that because his dad was doing that. Jakobi insisted that this was not true, and his dad told him that he had to prove that he really wanted to be a rapper.

To prove his passion, Jakobi Wilburn took to spending copious amounts of time in the studio. He was often the first to arrive and the last to leave, and this gained him the respect and support of his dad. Jacobi’s stage name is King Kobi, and he has dropped several tracks such as Pink Lemonade and 40 Floors Up featuring Homixide Gang. He is doing quite well, and there is every possibility that he would collaborate with his dad sometime in the future.


  • Date of birth: 19th March 2009
  • Age: 15 Years old
  • Mother: India J
Future's children
Future and Londyn at the 2023 Grammys Image Source

Londyn Wilburn is Future’s second child and eldest daughter. She was born by his ex-girlfriend, India J, in 2009. India J and Future maintain amicable relations, and this has positively impacted the relationship he has with their daughter. Londyn gets to cruise the red carpet with her father at important ceremonies.

She accompanied him to the 2017 edition of the Grammy Awards. She also accompanied him to the BET Award Ceremony that same year. Londyn and Future also attended the 2023 Grammy Awards together. She wore an embellished dress while he rocked a white tuxedo.

Londyn Wilburn lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and attends Woodward Academy, a pricy prep school. She is set to graduate in 2027 and is a budding athlete. She competes in short distant races such as the 100 m and 200 m dash.

Prince Wilburn

  • Date of birth: 2013
  • Age: 12 years old
  • Mother: Brittni Mealy

Future welcomed his third child, a son named Prince, in 2013 with Brittni Mealy. Mealy is a native of Detroit and holds a degree in Psychology from Clayton State University. She is a fashion and creative director and has worked for various brands such as Unicorn Universe. She has also founded her own clothing company known as Pop of Junk.

Prince primarily resides with his mother, while his famous dad tries to maintain close relations and also pays child support. His mother has, however, alleged that the rapper has failed on both counts. In 2022, Brittni sued Future asking for improved child support to cover her son’s expenses.

She based her claim on his improved earnings as well as the fact that her son’s expenses had increased. Mealy also alleged that Future wasn’t coming for his scheduled parenting timing and was saying derogatory things about her to their son.

The rapper denied the allegations. He pointed out that he had always been timely with child support and that the nature of his career means that he can’t always be physically available for Prince. Prince is currently in middle school and lives in Atlanta with his mother.

Future Zahir

  • Date of birth: 19 May 2014
  • Age: 10 years old
  • Mother: Ciara

Future Zahir Wilburn is Future’s fourth child. He was born on the 19th of May 2014, and his mother is Ciara, the award-winning singer, dancer, and actress. At the time that Future Zahir was born, his parents were engaged. They later called things off just about three months after his birth, reportedly due to his father’s infidelity.

Future Zahir’s mom is now married to Russell Wilson, an NFL quarterback, and they got married in 2016. The 10-year-old Future Zahir presently lives with his mom, his stepdad, and his two maternal half-siblings, Sienna Princess and Win Harrison, in Denver, Colorado. He has a close relationship with his stepdad, who has described him as a blessing, a joy every morning, and his light every night.

Future Zahir Loves Sports and Music

Future Zahir attends school in Colorado. He is quite athletic and plays sports such as basketball, baseball, and, of course, football. He often trains with his stepdad and has expressed his desire to excel in sports. Future Zahir is also artistic. He has been pictured dancing with his mom. He also worked together with her on Treat, a feel-good song about family living in 2022. The song was for Kellogg’s Rice Krispies family-oriented campaign that “embodies small, everyday moments”.

The multi-talented Future Zahir is also learning how to play the piano and has modeled with his mom and sister in a clothing campaign for GAP and LoveShackFancy. His future career options are diverse. As his mom has pointed out, the sky is the limit for him and his siblings, and they could go in any direction.

Meanwhile, Future Zahir’s parents have only the sweetest words for him. His mom described him as loving, talented, compassionate, anointed, and smart on the occasion of his birthday in 2023. His stepfather described him as an amazing son, amazing brother, leader, and compassionate fellow.

Future’s biological dad didn’t celebrate him on that occasion, but back in 2021, on the occasion of his 7th birthday, he did. Future described Future Zahir as the smartest, most charismatic, most talented kid in the world. He described him as Baby Future and also wrote, “The Best wishes and bigger blessings for u my son.

Kash Wilburn

  • Date of birth: 2015
  • Age: 10 years old
  • Mother: N/A

Kash Wilburn is the 5th out of Future’s known nine children. He was born in the year 2015. The identity of his mother remains top secret, but she must have had a liaison with Future which resulted in the boy’s birth. Unlike several women that have sued Future in court over the years, Kash’s mother maintains a very low profile and has avoided any quarrel with her baby daddy.

The rapper himself obviously appreciates this, and in 2020, he sent a shout-out to her on Mother’s Day. He described her as a real one and cut from a different cloth. Kash is presently 10 years old, which means that he will be in elementary school. His life has been kept out of the media, but this situation may change as he gets older.

Hendrix Wilburn

  • Date of birth: December 2018
  • Age: 6 years old
  • Mother: Joie Chavis

Hendrix Wilburn was born to Future by his ex, Joie Chavis, in December 2018. Chavis is an Instagram model, dancer, and entrepreneur. She previously had a child with rapper Bow Wow. Chavis and Future had a romantic relationship that culminated in their son’s birth in 2018. They have since had a topsy-turvy relationship with highs and lows.

For instance, when Chavis had her baby shower, Future was there. She also got him a diamond-encrusted bracelet with their son’s name in 2018. Chavis has, however, accused Future of not meeting child support obligations. He has also allegedly stated that he never loved her and that they are just good friends.

The two, however, work together for their son’s benefit. When Hendrix turned three in 2021, they threw him a Spiderman-themed birthday party and were on hand to witness the festivities. Hendrix is presently 6 years old and will have started schooling.

Reign Wilburn

  • Date of birth: April 2019
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Mother: Eliza Seraphin

Reign Wilburn is another one of Future’s daughters. She was born in 2019, and her mother, Eliza Seraphin, is a model who is based in Florida. Eliza and Future reportedly had a relationship between 2016 and 2018. They had broken up by the time Reign was born, and Eliza had to sue the rapper in court that same year.

She asked the rapper to submit to paternity tests to prove her claim. She also asked for custody of their child as well as child support to the tune of $53,000 monthly. Future fought the claims as usual but later submitted to a DNA test. He was confirmed to be Reign’s father in 2020. Reign is currently 5 years old and primarily lives with her mother.

Paris Skye

Paris Skye is also Future’s daughter. She has been quite shielded from the spotlight, and as such, her exact year of birth is not known. The identity of her mother is also not known. The world got to know of her existence through her dad, who sent a shout-out to her mom on the occasion of Mother’s Day in 2020.

The rapper wrote, “Paris, your mom serve it ! happy mother’s day mami.” There is no doubt, though, that the little girl would be living a comfortable life with her mom. One good omen is the fact that her parents have not been embroiled in any lawsuits.

Legend Ary Wilburn is also Believed to be Future’s Son

  • Date of birth: June 2019
  • Age: 5 years old
  • Mother: Cindy Parker
Future's children
Legend Ary Wilburn Image Source

Legend Ary Wilburn is also believed to be Future’s son. He was born in 2019 to then-18-year-old Cindy Parker, a native of Texas. Cindy also sued Future for paternity, child custody, and child support in 2019. This was the same year Eliza Seraphin sued, and they both collaborated together.

A DNA test conducted on Legend Ary and Reign shows that there is a 99.9% chance of them being half-siblings. Of course, Future has already been confirmed to be Reign’s father through a DNA test. This is a strong proof that Legend is Future’s son. The rapper never submitted to a DNA test in Cindy’s suit, but he reached a settlement with her, and she withdrew her case.

Legend lives with his mom. On the occasion of his first birthday, his mom posted a sweet tribute to him. She described him as handsome, smart, funny, loving, and full of life. She also stated that he had brought her much happiness and made her a better woman. Cindy thanked her son for showing her what unconditional love looks like and promised to always be there for him.

It is doubtful if Legend has met his dad, but he did meet up with his half-sister Reign during the Christmas holidays in 2020.

Future has an Adopted Son Named Jaiden

  • Date of birth: September 2004 est.
  • Age: 20 years old
  • Mother: India J

Future also has an ‘adopted son’ named Jaiden. He hasn’t formally adopted the boy, though but has played a part in raising him and given him his last name. Jaiden is the son of Future’s former girlfriend named India J. At the time they started dating, Jaiden was a very young lad, and so they bonded over the years.

That tight relationship has subsisted over the years. In September 2021, Future wished Jaiden a happy birthday and wrote: “I’m behind you 100%.” I love you the most kid. Some interpreted this to amount to a show of favoritism and called the rapper out for it.

Jaiden graduated high school in 2022, and Future attended his graduation ceremony as well as an after-party. The rapper pointed out that he never finished high school. He stated that it was always his dream that his kids would do so.


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