In our pursuit of accurate, current and unbiased information dissemination across multiple platforms, we abide by this set of principles and policies outlined below

Ethics Policy

As the code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists stipulates, it is our policy to ensure that our publications are error-free, fair and comprehensive at all times and we strive to do this in the most objective and transparent manner without fear or favor.

We are able to achieve this by ensuring that we have a diverse team made up of respected journalists, seasoned researchers, writers and experienced editors who thoroughly check any article before it gets published.  In addition to this, we also indicate the sources of quotes and statistics which we have on any article. Bearing in mind the dynamic nature of the content we publish, we regularly check and update our reviews and guides to ensure that every information we have therein is accurate and current.

Integrity of Staff

In line with our policy to ensure fair and unbiased reporting, our journalists do not accept gifts, travel and lodging accommodations from the subjects of their reporting. Also, we do not accept content from other sources or advertising on As such, all contents on our site are produced or created in-house by staff members of

Content Creation Process and Verification Standards

Before we publish any article on, we subject it to thorough multiple levels of editing during which it gets vetted that the information it contains is factual, current and unbiased.

At a minimum, the typical process for any of our writing is as follows:

  1. Researcher and reviewer comes up with the topic and creates an outline to fully address the question or topic at hand
  2. Journalist or Web content developer writes the article and sends it for review and editing
  3. The article is copyedited by a content editor
  4. The article is edited by an editor who also checks for quality, originality, approach and clarity
  5. The article is reviewed by reviewer to ensure that it fits with the aims and scope of the topic
  6. Corrections and clarifications are incorporated at all levels
  7. The article is published on the website

Heightline content creation process and verification

Fact-Checking and Corrections

It is a norm for us to corroborate information from multiple sources, question assumptions and investigate claims with skepticism. Should we find on our website a piece of information that is not correct, we speedily correct them and will always be honest with our readers about the magnitude of the error.

Before developing any content, we require our journalists to start by asking the following “who,” “what,” “where,” when,” “why” and “how” questions when cross-checking the information in a quest for the truth and accuracy

  • How do you know?
  • Who is the source, and how does the source know?
  • How can you be sure?
  • How reliable or credible, reputable or trustworthy is the source?
  • Where is the evidence?
  • What documentation supports the facts?

Heightline Information cross-checking questions

We see our content here at as a living document that needs to be updated as events unfold. While we make every effort to ensure the content is accurate when published. Nevertheless, if a correction is needed, we are explicit and will update the article if an element of the original story is changed or updated by the new information. We will make corrections to a factual error and will also make corrections where necessary If a mistake or typo in the article could cause our users to misunderstand the story or article.

We welcome our readers’ feedback and have made it easy for our readers to make it available using the link we’ve provided on every page of the article.

If you’ve found something that doesn’t look right or something that requires updating on our website, please contact us.