Who Is Riley Norah Tracy, Norah O’Donnell’s Daughter?

Riley Norah Tracy is the youngest daughter of Norah O’Donnell, the American television journalist, and Geoff Tracy, her husband. She was born on July 5, 2008, and is currently 16 years old.

Despite being the youngest child of Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy, Riley Norah has gained a spot in the limelight, thanks to her parents’ fame. As a matter of fact, she has now succeeded in piquing the interest of the general public with her adorable teenage appeal. Read on to learn more about the CBS reporter’s daughter and what she is up to at the moment.

Riley Norah Tracy’s Bio

  • AGE: 16 Years Old
  • BIRTHDAY: July 5, 2008
  • BIRTHPLACE: Washington D.C. United States
  • ETHNICITY: White
  • FATHER: Geoff Tracy
  • MOTHER: Norah O’Donnell
  • SIBLINGS: Grace Tracy and Henry Tracy

How Old Is Riley Norah Tracy Now?

Riley Norah Tracy is 16 years old. She was born at exactly 11:39 on Saturday, July 5, 2008, in the United States, to CBS reporter Norah O’Donnell and celebrity Chef Geoff Tracy. Riley Norah is of Irish ancestry and belongs to the Cancer zodiac sign.

The CBS reporter’s daughter spent her childhood in Washington, D.C., alongside her siblings under the care of her parents. Despite having parents who have garnered fame, she still maintains a low profile. Consequent to this, the names and locations of the schools she attended for her elementary and high school education are not known. The level of education she has is also scarce, but with her parents’ passion for education, she will surely gain a good level of education.

Riley Norah Tracy’s Mother is a Journalist

Riley Norah Tracy’s mother, Norah O’Donnell, is a journalist born in Washington D.C. on January 23, 1974. She attended Douglas MacArthur High School and later obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and a Master of Arts degree in liberal studies from Georgetown University.

The 51-year-old reporter anchors the CBS Evening News and is a correspondent for the 60 Minutes and CBS’ morning show, Face the Nation. Prior to becoming a CBS reporter, she worked with Roll Call, the NBC network, MSNBC, and NBC News. So far, she has received two Emmys on different occasions, including one in 2008 while working with the NBC News Election Night coverage team.

In April 2020, O’Donnell’s newscast garnered 7,437 million views, making her the most-viewed woman in national TV news. As a result of her hard work, she was listed among the top 100 women in power in Washington by the Washingtonian Magazine.

Her Father is a Celebrity Chef

Riley Norah Tracy’s father, Geoff Tracy, has a long list of accomplishments and achievements as a celebrity chef. He was born in New York City, New York, in the United States on January 23, 1973, and is 51 years old. Little is known about his background, as the names of his parents are not known, but he has a brother named Chris. He attended Choate Rosemary Hall for his high school education and earned a degree in Theology from Georgetown University before enrolling at the Culinary Institute of America.

The chef managed several restaurants in Washington, DC, in the past and eventually launched his first eatery known as Chef Geoff’s in the year 2000. In 2018, he established Chef Geoff’s Deluxe Hospitality alongside other chefs, where he sits as the president of the group. Geoff owns restaurants in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region, Virginia, Maryland, and a few other states.

He also expanded his portfolio by venturing into writing, and has credits in some books that talk about diet. Some of his books include Baby Love: Healthy, Easy, Delicious Meals for Your Baby and Toddler, and more.

Riley Norah Tracy’s Parents Got Married in 2008

Riley Norah Tracy’s parents tied the knot on June 8, 2001. The duo met at the cafeteria line at New South Cafeteria in their first week at Georgetown University. They dated for some time before getting engaged at a Dinner at Thomas Keller’s Renowned restaurant in Yountville, California. Their love for each other waxed stronger, and they eventually got married in 2001 at Dahlgren Chapel.

They have sustained a blissful marriage that has spanned 23 years and counting without recording any scandals. Currently, they are doing a good job at parenting by training their three kids to live right. In an interview with CBS Watch Magazine, Norah said she and her husband make sure Riley and her siblings have a limited amount of phone usage.

How Many are Norah O’Donnell’s Children?

Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy have three children. The couple first welcomed twins Grace and Henry Tracy before they welcomed Riley Norah Tracy.

Grace Tracy

Grace Tracy is the first child of Nora O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy. She was born on May 18, 2007, and is currently 17 years old. She is the oldest of her parent’s children, as she is a minute older than her twin brother. Meanwhile, information about her educational background remains unknown to the public.

Grace inherited her grandmother Franny’s passion and vigor when she was a toddler. When she was younger, she loved to jump off of almost anything and was prone to bruises and skinned knees from playground activities.

Henry Tracy

Henry Tracy is the second child of Nora O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy, born on the same day as Grace. Nothing is known about his educational background, but he lives in Washington D.C. with the rest of the family. He is loved by all in the family, who have dubbed him “Hank the Tank.”

According to his mother in her book titled Baby Love, Henry has the most gorgeous red hair and has developed into a very powerful and lovely youngster. He was the first of the three to learn how to unlock a door and use the minivan’s key to start the ignition. Henry loves guitars, watering flowers, scooters, vacuums, and hunting acorns. His favorite color is blue, and his favorite foods are bananas and raisins, although he later developed a regular hankering for fresh pasta and marinara from Daddy’s restaurant.

What is Nora O’Donnell’s Daughter’s Career?

Riley Norah Tracy is yet to have a career path due to the fact that she is still a teenager. She enjoys chasing the cat, swimming lessons, and cuddling. Riley is fond of rock ‘n’ roll and will jam to the music. However, with a greater part of her life still ahead of her, she could go on to achieve her goals. Riley’s mother, Norah O’Donnell, says that Riley has participated in a few Junior Golf tournaments and wishes to be a horse rider when she is old enough.


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