Nathaniel Kibby pleaded guilty to 7 felony counts, including kidnapping, sexual assault, and others. He is currently serving a jail term of 45 to 90 years in prison.
Nathaniel Kibby gained notoriety for kidnapping, sexual assault, and the physical and emotional torture he exerted on a 14-year-old girl named Abby Hernandez in 2013. Please, continue reading to learn what happened to Nathaniel Kibby and where he is today.
Who Is Nathaniel Kibby?
Nate Kibby is an American criminal who came to the limelight for abducting a 14-year-old girl named Abby Hernandez. He was born on July 15, 1980, in the United States of America. He is an American by nationality and of White ethnicity, while his zodiac sign is Cancer.
Nate Kibby was allegedly a very troublesome child who was always getting into trouble with the authorities for getting involved in criminal acts and illegal activities. There is no detail on who his parents are and what led to him becoming troubled.
His issues notwithstanding, Nathaniel Kibby had his primary and high school education in his hometown. It is not known if he ever got to attend a university. As a high school student, Nate got into trouble with the authorities. He was so naughty that his classmates often described him as a harsh and aggressive person. During this time, he was also involved in some gang activities with a group called the Vipers.
Among his earliest misdeeds, Nate grabbed a 16-year-old girl trying to board a school bus, which got him into trouble. He also got detained in 2014 after he had a traffic dispute with a lady, followed her to her house, and then pushed her down to the floor. He is also known to often be in possession of illegal drugs like marijuana.
Nathaniel Kibby’s Career Is Not Known
Even though he was well known in the town where he lived, Nathaniel Kibby was not very friendly with his neighbors and hardly had any real friends. Hence, no one knew what he did for a living and how he could afford anything. He was allegedly employed at E.M.M Precision, Inc. and was a dedicated employee for about five years.
However, he lived a double life because he never really outgrew his troublesome personality in his early childhood and high school days. So, even though he was dedicated at work, he was still having troubles with local law enforcement that his employers were unaware of. He would eventually get laid off when charges of trespassing and assault were brought against him.
How Did Nathaniel Kibby Kidnap Abbey Hernandez?
In October 2013, Nathaniel Kibby kidnapped 14-year-old Abby Hernandez while she was on her way home from Kennett High School in North Conway, New Hampshire. Kibby had offered her a ride home from school, and Abby, who had blisters for wearing her shoes without socks, accepted.
However, his helpful demeanor changed when she got into the car. Abby then asked him to stop her at a nearby restaurant, but Kibby refused and pulled a gun on her. He threatened to kill her if she tried to raise an alarm, and then he proceeded to handcuff her and use his jacket to blindfold her. He also used a stun gun to shock her when she tried to see where they were going through the blindfold.
Kibby took Abbey Hernandez to his house and kept her hostage for nine months. During this period, he tortured, raped her and made her call him master. Kibby took several measures to ensure that his prisoner did not attempt an escape. He put a shock collar on her, forced her to wear diapers, and showed her his gun collection with gory details of how he would use it on her and her family if she ever escaped.
The threats notwithstanding, Abbey made several efforts to escape. She started by playing into Kibby’s narrative and trying to bond with him so he would trust her enough to give her some freedom. At the hearing for his trial, she said she went along with everything he wanted to do. Eventually, he started to thaw, allowing her to write a letter and help him make counterfeit money. During this period, Captor and victim learned a bit about each other.
How Did Abbey Hernandez Escape From Nathaniel Kibby?
The answer is that she didn’t escape; Kibby let her go to evade law enforcement. In July 2014, Kibby received a call from a lady to whom he supposedly gave some counterfeit money, telling him she had given him up to the authorities. Knowing full well his history with the authorities and his dirty dealings at home, Nate panicked and tried to clean up.
To keep his abduction of Abbey away from the police officers allegedly coming to search his house, he decided to drop her off where he had picked her up nine months earlier. He also released her on the agreement that she would not tell anyone what happened or give his name to the authorities. Again, if she did, he threatened to come after her whole family and pets.
Abbey agreed to his conditions, and true to his word, he released her. Abbey recalls that she could not believe she was genuinely free initially. So she went home and went to the police with her story.
Kibby’s Arrest and Trial
Soon after Abbey and her family spoke to the police, they raided Kibby’s home and arrested him. They also searched his property and uncovered proof of all his dirty dealings, including evidence of how he could keep Abbey Hernandez all this time without his neighbors noticing.
Kibby was charged with 180 crimes but pleaded guilty to seven counts of felony that covered sexual assault, kidnapping, criminal threatening, obstructing government administration, and others. He was arraigned on kidnapping charges and ordered to be held on $1 million bail. He was eventually sentenced to between 45 and 90 years in prison.
Where is Nathaniel Kibby Now?
Currently, Nathaniel Kibby is serving a jail term of 45 to 90 years for the crimes he committed against Abby Hernandez and the government. Going by his age, he will likely be in prison until the day he dies unless he is granted a pardon, which is very unlikely to happen.