Andrea Mitchell does not have a brain tumor, although, several years ago, rumors that she did have the disease started making the rounds on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.
However, several credible sources , including the 78-year-old herself, have confirmed there was nothing remotely credible about those rumors. Read on to learn the true state of the MSNBC and NBC reporter’s health and how she dealt with the speculations that she was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Andrea Mitchell Had Some Health Challenges
More than a decade ago, several online users who followed Andrea Mitchell’s news broadcasts noticed something different about her. The differences they spotted had more to do with what they were hearing than what they saw from her physical appearance.
The vast majority of the observers disclosed the fact that her normally reliable and steady voice had become shaky, and they were almost certain that her advancing years were responsible for the flaws they had started noticing in her speech patterns.
Prior to that, there had been speculations that the reporter was sick, and given the similarities of the observations on Andrea Mitchell to brain tumor patients, it didn’t take long for the rumor mill to start churning out stories about her being diagnosed with a brain tumor.
While the rumors persisted, Andrea, who at the time was well over four decades into a glittering journalism career, responded by carrying on with the career that had made her one of the most influential women in her age group before finally admitting to being sick – but not with a brain tumor.
Andrea Mitchell Was Diagnosed With Breast Cancer In 2011
In 2011, Andrea Mitchell addressed her health challenges during an MSNBC broadcast. She essentially revealed that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer following a routine health screen.
According to the University of Pennsylvania alum, she had planned to go hiking in Wyoming the week before but chose to have herself checked out first. The screen that was meant to be a routine one turned out rather unexpectedly.
Mitchell said that her results had revealed that she was now among one in eight American women who have had breast cancer. But rather than feeling sorry for herself, she said she had taken the news on the chin and chalked it off as one of life’s lessons.
Her Prognosis Was Good But the Course Of Treatment Is Still Unknown
Learning that one has a debilitating, potentially life-ending illness could be discouraging, but fortunately for Andrea Mitchell, her prognosis was, in her own words, terrific. Further scrutiny following the diagnosis showed that the cancer was still manageable and had not spread to other parts of her anatomy.
Our sources reveal that her treatment was aggressive but we have yet to ascertain the course of treatment she underwent. However, from the knowledge that her type of breast cancer is usually treated in a variety of ways, including surgery and chemotherapy, we can assume that the course of treatment she undertook may have involved chemotherapy – at the very least.
Seeing that her breasts are still intact, we can almost rule out surgery as one of the steps she took to combat a disease that could have led to her demise if it had not been caught early.
Andrea Mitchell’s rather near-death experience influenced her decision to encourage women to get regular tests to avoid being caught off-guard by a disease that can be curable when discovered early enough but fatal if unearthed too late.
She also enlisted the help of men to help the women in their lives to get screened at the appropriate times.
Andrea Mitchell Currently Enjoys A Clean Bill Of Health
Having begun her journalism career in 1967, Andrea Mitchell is steadily approaching her 60th anniversary on American airwaves.
Throughout her more than 5-decades-long career she has seen and done it all,including providing informed analysis, breaking news during presidential elections, and weighing in on complicated national and global issues with exclusive interviews with American and International leaders.
Following the health scare more than a decade ago, several observers believed that the journalism veteran would call time on her long and illustrious career.
It would seem though, that having been handed a clean bill of health, a situation that by the way has not changed, Andrea Mitchell continues to grace the American television and news airwaves while doing what she does best.